
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is also known as Teflon, a non-stick material frequently used in cookware and protective clothing. There are a host of industrial uses for this versatile material, too. PTFE is widely used in the aerospace, food and drink manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, and telecommunications sectors, to name but a few.

Pure PTFE is a low friction substance that can withstand huge changes in temperature, making it great for cookware such as non-stick pans. Physically, PTFE is highly flexible as well as extremely dense; therefore, a PTFE coating on machine parts makes them far more durable. Chemically, it is extremely unreactive and insoluble in most chemicals and is itself non-toxic, conferring further advantages in contexts such as laboratories, medicine (e.g. as a coating for catheters), and food manufacturing. Taken together, these properties make PTFE an extremely useful material for a wide range of applications across practically all industrial sectors.

Because it is highly flexible, PTFE can creep and deform under heavy loads. This potential disadvantage can be obviated by adding a filler in order to benefit from the properties of both materials. Fillers can also add properties such as improved thermal conductivity, for applications that demand good heat dissipation. The most common filler material is glass, but other materials confer specific advantages for certain applications. These alternative additives include carbon, graphite, stainless steel, molybdenum disulfide, bronze, and polyimide.



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